If you’re designing it:
◦ An image size 1200 x 628px, 1200 x 1500px, 1080 x 1080px, or 800 x 800px.
◦ We also encourage the use of video or infographics. If you want to use a video, please send a file for us to download.
◦ 25-50 words of copy on how your product or service can solve a pet problem. This should be educational in nature, not a sales pitch.
◦ The Facebook profile you’d like us to tag and/or mention.
◦ Your desired URL to lead people to.
If we’re designing it:
◦ Relevant product/service images (on a white background is preferred).
◦ Desired call-to-action
◦ If you’d like to use a video, please send us a file to download
◦ Any preferred content (25-50 words).
◦ The Facebook profile you’d like us to tag and/or mention.
◦ Desired URL
A topic you would like to sponsor that relates to the product or service you are advertising with banners advertising your product/service.
If you’re designing it:
◦ Side Banner (324px by 800px) and Bottom Banner (676px by 370px)
◦ Your desired URL
If we’re designing it:
◦ Relevant product/service images (on a white background is preferred).
◦ Desired call-to-action
◦ Desired URL
A non-biased education article that is 500 words maximum with a high-res lifestyle image sized 900 x 600, and banners advertising your product/service. (Available only if outlined in your advertising contract.)
◦ Completion of the blog questions sent by our Editorial Team.
◦ An author bio between 40-70 words long.
If you’re designing it:
◦ Side Banner (324px by 800px) and Bottom Banner (676px by 370px)
◦ Your desired URL
If we’re designing it:
◦ Relevant product/service images (on a white background is preferred).
◦ Desired call-to-action
◦ Desired URL
*Submit article a minimum of 30 days before the date*
If you’re designing it:
◦ Regular Side Banner (285px x 545px)
◦ Top Banner (650px by 150px)
◦ URL is also required*
If we’re designing it:
◦ Relevant product/service images (on a white background is preferred).
◦ Desired call-to-action
◦ Any preferred content
◦ Desired URL
If you’re designing it:
◦ Homepage Bottom Banner (1068px by 280px)
◦ Homepage Top Banner (468px by 60px)
◦ Small Website Banner (324px by 80px)
◦ Standard Website Banner (324px by 130px)
◦ Large Website Banner (324px by 350px)
◦ URL is also required*
If we’re designing it:
◦ Relevant product/service images (on a white background is preferred).
◦ Desired call-to-action
◦ Any preferred content
◦ Desired URL
If you’re designing it:
◦ A header image that is 650px wide, the height is flexible.
◦ All images must be 72 – 300dpi and high-resolution. Multiple images will be accepted however we cannot guarantee that all images will be featured in the E-Blast. *Use a very compelling image that captures attention! If you’d like to include a video, please provide the YouTube link.
◦ Preferred copy in a Word/Google Document, with the following: Subject line, Top graphic, Headline, Text (10-50 words), Middle graphic, Conclusion text (5-15 words), Call to action, and URL
*Punchy, Motivational, and addressing an Issue/Problem with a product solution that fits works best.
If we’re designing it:
◦ Relevant product/service images (on a white background is preferred).
◦ Three benefits of your product/service
◦ Desired call-to-action
◦ Any preferred content – Subject line, Top graphic, Headline, Text (10-50 words), Middle graphic, Conclusion text (5-15 words), Call to action
◦ Desired URL
Submit your materials to us by the Material Deadline date which is found on your E-Blast schedule.
All E-Blasts will be sent to you in draft format for approval prior to the send date. If you require changes, please send all of your changes within 24hrs. We provide a maximum of 2 changes per E-Blast.
E-Blasts are designed to encourage traffic to your website. Please make sure that your website facilitates fulfilling the offer and/or making the sale and that all links are working.
IMPORTANT! Ensure your website or landing page is designed to be mobile optimized.
Designed by Redstone Media Group
◦ The details of the prize/bundle that you would like to offer
◦ Product image(s)
◦ 2-3 features or short bullet points about the product/prize
◦ The retail value of the prize
Designed by Redstone Media Group
◦ The details of the prize pack you would like to offer
◦ 2-3 product images (We encourage you to supply lifestyle imagery that relates to your brand as well.)
◦ 2-3 benefits or short bullet points of the product/prize
◦ The retail value of the prize
Contest run in 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year intervals. The number of contest Facebook posts and e-blast will vary depending on the length of the contest and this will be determined on the final contract.
Redstone Media Group is not responsible for poor metrics for marketing content created by clients or content that goes against the suggestions of Redstone representatives, designers, and digital marketing specialists. Redstone Media Group recommends all clients enter into consultation with our team to craft the content of the digital output or allow the team to design output for the client review based on provided materials and goals. As with any marketing campaign in a large and busy context, Redstone Media Group makes no guarantee of a specific level of sales.
Contact one of our Digital Marketing Specialists for assistance.
Our media representatives are waiting to put you in touch with our designers and marketing specialists to help achieve your goals. Request a quote and discover the power of I Heart Saving – Local Marketing Services today!
Contact one of our Digital Marketing Specialists for assistance.
Our sales reps are waiting to put you in touch with our designers and marketing specialists to help achieve your goals. Request a quote and discover the power of Redstone Media Group today!